15 September 2011

Are We Nearly There Yet?

I wonder how many times we've been asked this and for that matter, how many times we've actually asked it?

If you're anything like us this standard question especially synonymous with children is normally met with "nearly", "just around the corner" or even "just over the next hill". And the same is true in this context as we're "nearly there" with our pond build.

We've just about finished tinkering with the filter house as well as the filter system. Just a couple more minor tweaks and we'll be done although i'm sure in time they'll be plenty of opportunity for further adjustments and enhancements.

As for the pond itself, again we're "almost there". We've a couple of cosmetic lifts to complete before we'll be willing to class this pond build as being finished, thus closing this chapter of our Koi keeping legacy whilst at the same time opening up yet a new one.

In the meantime a couple of our larger Koi appear to have given their "fins up" to their new aquatic home.