So the whole reason for keeping this blog (online diary) is so that we can share our thought and decision making process which is going into building a new Koi pond. To therefore "share" this experience we also need to divulge all the decision changes we decide to make ..... and yes you've guessed it there's another one on the way!
Increasing the size of the filter house would mean that all the equipment could be accommodated and therefore would provide a solution to the Ebay bargain dilemma. However it was when we started to think and plan the set-up to accommodate all the equipment that we once again questioned if this was the correct set-up for us? Could the expense of purchasing all the valves. pipework etc to run this system be better spent on an alternate solution using alternate equipment? Perhaps the blinkers were on in that we were thinking that we had to make this new system work with the equipment we already had and that maybe we should be reviewing the alternatives? At this juncture it was decided that we did indeed need to review the situation and so some in depth investigative work was carried out over the last weekend with many subsequent emails and phone calls being made since.
The consensus of opinion was that although our envisaged set-up would work, and work fine, we felt that the equipment "footprint" was simply too much with two vortexes, a Nexus 200 and all the other valves, pipework, etc as well as installation of all the quarantine equipment. However there was a definite need to increase the biological filtration. We also felt that it was important to give a helping hand to the mechanical filtration also. The solution to this being to incorporate one vortex before the Nexus (helping hand on the mechanical front) and to then purchase a bead filter to increase the biological filtration capabilities of the system. We also identified appropriate water pumps and configuration in order to make this system as efficient, as well as economical, as possible.
We're also in the process of gathering costs for materials and equipment hire costs for physically building the pond, so once these have been received we'll bring you an update - which will be v4.0!
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