13 August 2011

August (Not April) Showers

To quote Billy Ocean (and to a lesser extent Boyzone) ... "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". If that's true, then we must be as hard as nails by now, especially with the latest ups and downs in the crazy world of koi ......

The first thing on the agenda for this particular post strangely enough concerns the latest weather we've been experiencing. To say we're pretty precipitated off is a complete understatement to say the least. We just about managed to finish off boarding the filter house last weekend when once again the heavens opened, and stayed open! "Downpour", "storm", even "deluge" are all words that simply can't put into context the ferocity and amount of rain we experienced. With the sheer volume of water coming down it was inevitable that it was going to cause us problems and on Monday morning the problems could be clearly viewed. The bottom of the pond was bulging with the amount of water underneath.

A quick check with Matt (GRP Lining Services) confirmed what we'd already diagnosed ... we needed to get water into the pond asap to put pressure on the fibreglass to hopefully dispel the water that was present below. However as the pond window hadn't been fitted yet as we were still waiting for more "gunk" the volume of water that we could put in was restricted. After a full day the water level had reached an inch below the window aperture, therefore approximately half full.

Tuesday morning soon came around and although we'd experienced pretty much the same weather conditions as the previous day, the pond floor appeared to have returned to its normal level. A few days after that and the water in the pond appears to have remained at the same level. Hopefully this means no untoward damage which in turn hopefully means no leaks, which hopefully means we've been very lucky.

So we entered this weekend still feeling a little drained from all the man-fluenza etc that we've been suffering with, but with every intention of getting the filter equipment plumbed in etc. Surely by now though you realise that nothing ever goes according to plan ......

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