13 June 2011

One Small Step - One Giant Leap

So things on the new pond build are progressing nicely although this current weather front is hindering progress a little. We mustn't complain though as we've experienced extremely good weather over the build period so far!

So what have we been up to since the last blog? We've concreted the area for the header pond and levelled off ready for the blockwork. We've also backfilled and levelled the area for the filter house ready for concreting as well as fitting the sump and ground drain. We've also been completing a lot of the backfilling around the pond with concrete.

Our original intention was to mix the concrete for the base of the filter house ourselves on Sunday morning however after completing this for the header pond area, we decided that a ready mix option was the better solution. Plus after a scorching start to the day the weather soon turned and by lunchtime it was raining, so in hind sight it was probably the right decision anyway. However it wasn't just the rain the stopped progress ....

After reporting in our blog about the Thrush chicks, quickly followed by their demise, we decided not to report when we discovered another event happening very close by - a Wren nesting. Literally above our heads!

One small step - quickly followed by one giant leap!

 After watching the Wren's fly back and forth for sometime now, running the Husky gauntlet as well as trying to avoid the cement mixer and all of us, it was an absolute joy to see 7 chicks take one small step and one giant leap (again literally) from the nest and into the big wide world. This first step, which was immediately followed by a giant leap to the floor had us all cringing & wincing each time one of the little mites took the plunge, but each and everyone bounced well and was soon scurrying across the gravel and eventually through the fence and into the big wide world beyond for nature to now take care of them. Work stopped not only because we were frightened of stepping on the chicks or running them over as they bounced around, however the main reason for the break was simply to enjoy this natural spectacle which is only normally witnessed via the TV screen. Safe to say ... it made our weekend!

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