What's the chance of that happening then - the weather forecasters actually getting it right for once! Yesterday was absolutely GLORIOUS and the perfect conditions for kicking back, chillin' out, striking up the BBQ, enjoying a few beers with family and friends and simply enjoying the sunshine.
Instead we were up and down ladders, sawing, drilling, screwing & fixing and generally leaking incredible amounts of sweat. It was extremely hard going to say the least - not because of the job at hand (fitting the pond roof) but because of the relentless heat and the sun. It was perfect weather .... but not for working in. However with only a few weeks left before fibreglassing d-day we felt that we simply couldn't take the chance of leaving the work until another weekend and potentially not getting the job done due to adverse weather.
And so with blood (a few knee scrapes, splinters and general cuts & bruises), sweat and .... loads more sweat, we worked through the heat of the day ducking behind the bamboo and into the shade whenever and where ever possible, until the job was done!
There's still a multitude of jobs to start & complete never mind finish off, and we've still got the filter house to build along with plumbing in all the equipment, but we definitely feel like the old British Rail ..... "we're getting there"!
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